Czechs probe release of pedophile Qatari prince


Czech Supreme State Prosecutor Pavel Zeman has confirmed the repatriation of pedophile Qatari prince is being investigated

Former justice minister Pavel Němec faces investigation for his decision to repatriate convicted Qatari prince; he denies having any ties with Qatar foto: © ISIFA, CZECHPOSITIONČeská pozice

In May 2005, Qatari prince Hamid Bin Abdul Sani al-Thani was sentenced to 30 months in prison for paying for sex with 16 Czech minors, four of whom were also under the age of consent. Some two months later, however, he was repatriated following the intervention of then justice minister, Pavel Němec, who along with ex-supreme prosecutor Renata Vesecká, are now under investigation by Czech authorities.

The daily Právo reported on Monday that an investigation initiated by Supreme State Prosecutor Pavel Zeman is now underway. The daily said Zeman himself had confirmed that the investigation is centered upon the actions of Pavel Němec, justice minister from Aug. 2004 – Sept. 2006 along with several of his deputies and Zeman’s predecessor, Renata Vesecká, as regards the repatriation of al-Thani to Qatar.

‘The subject of the investigation is whether a criminal offense was committed when deciding to transfer the judicial proceedings to Qatar.’“We conducted a check into the concluded case of the Qatari prince, and we have decided to return the case for further investigation due to suspicions about certain employees in the judiciary, namely in the Justice Ministry and State Prosecution Service,” Zeman told Právo on Monday.

“This is a criminal case in which the subject of the investigation is whether a criminal offense was committed when deciding to transfer the judicial proceedings [against al-Thani] to Qatar,” he added.

According to Zeman, the investigation will be overseen by the State Prosecutor’s Office in the district of Prague 7, which is already looking into why the court that sentenced al-Thani ignored Němec’s order for him to be released from custody for repatriation.

In August, Němec told Czech Position that he had decided to repatriate al-Thani as a gesture of “goodwill” that could serve in the interests of Czech citizens in Qatar in the future. He also denied that he has, or ever had any contacts with the Qatari ruling family.    

On Monday, he said it wasa “scandal” that the case is being reopened.

“In my opinion it’s an unbelievable scandal that someone considers this case, which was investigated for over two years, as having been insufficiently investigated. The whole case ended in the Supreme Court, which clearly said the conduct [the transfer of the case to Qatar and repatriation of al-Thani] was legal,” Němec told Právo.

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